Bed Bugs in Denver


How To Kill Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs in DenverCrushed between two fingernails, or some equally hard surface, a single bed bug can be killed easily. Once your bed, carpet, or computer is infested, the problem becomes more complicated. Most household pest sprays are ineffective in eliminating an entire bed bug population simply because the bugs hide too well, in too many different places.

Once an infestation has occurred, the best way to kill bed bugs in Denver is to hire professionals who have detection equipment and powerful, yet environmentally safe, pesticides.

17 Frequently Asked Questions About Bed Bugs

There are many popular misconceptions regarding bed bugs, so understanding more about bed bugs in Denver helps identify the signs of an infestation and prevent infestations from occurring. The following questions and answers provide valuable information on how to identify and find bed bugs in Denver.

1. Can bed bugs be spread to clothing and bedding in a washing machine?

  • Yes. Unless your washing machine maintains a temperature of at least 120-degrees or higher for more than 3 minutes, bed bugs can spread to everything else in the wash load.

2. Can you kill bed bugs by freezing them?

  • Yes, but it takes 1-2 weeks of consistent freezing temperatures to kill bed bugs. Most household freezer temperatures fluctuate too much to accomplish this.

3. Which pesticides do professionals use to kill bed bugs?

  • Professional pest exterminators use residual pesticides, plus growth inhibitors, dispersed in a fogging agent to eliminate bed bugs from your home completely.

4. Do bed bugs burrow into fabric or just lie on top?

  • Generally, bed bugs stay on top of the fabric, unless it is damaged. If the fabric is damaged, they will burrow.

5. Do bed bugs fly?

  • No, but they can travel up to 100 feet during a single night. Most bed bugs live within 8 feet of their feeding area.

6. How should I check for bed bugs in a hotel room?

  • Make a visual inspection of the seams and the quilting of the mattress, under the box spring, around the headboard and picture frames.

7. Do bed bugs only bite one person?

  • No. They are, however, attracted to certain people. Bed bugs are attracted to protein-rich blood, and they are attracted to pregnant women more than they are to men.

8. Will bed bugs bite dogs?

  • Bed bugs will bite any mammal or bird, but they prefer human hosts.

9. How can you tell if there are bed bugs in your bed?

  • Being ⅛” long, bed bugs are visible to the casual eye, if you know where to look. They congregate along mattress seams and around recessed edges of screws in wooden furniture. Blackish smears or rusty spots can indicate bed bug fecal matter or blood smears. There will be several of these smears in a single area.

10. Where else are bed bugs found?

  • Bed bugs can now be found practically anywhere. They are frequently found on mattresses, carpet, furniture, under baseboards, in pillows, behind picture frames, and behind wallpaper. Recent studies have discovered bed bugs on public transportation vehicles, in movie theaters, dormitories, rental furniture, and even health care facilities.

11. Why are bed bug populations increasing?

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], bed bug populations are increasing as a result of more international travel, reduced awareness and hygiene, and historical over-dependence on and misapplications of pesticides. By the mid-1950s, most bed bugs were resistant to DDT.

12. How do you know if you are rid of bed bugs and their eggs?

  • Regular visual inspections after an eradication treatment are the only way to be sure that the population is eliminated completely.

13. How did people traditionally treat for bed bugs?

  • Years ago, kerosene was used, resulting in many house fires. During the 1940s and ’50s, DDT was used, adding dangerous toxins to the home environment.

14. If I spray Bedlam around my bed, will it kill bed bugs?

  • Spraying Bedlam on your bed will not eliminate the bed bugs living elsewhere in your home. Professional spraying of Bedlam can work, but it takes knowledge that most homeowners do not have to make the treatment safe and effective.

15. Are some people allergic to bed bugs?

  • Yes. When bed bugs bite, they inject an anticoagulant and an anesthetic, so most people are unaware of being bitten until small, itchy red spots appear. Some people will experience anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

16. Where do bed bugs come from?

  • Bed bugs have been around for 40,000 years. Medieval and classical Greek writing discussed the woes of bed bug infestation. Originally, bed bugs were found on bats. When early humans started living in caves, bed bugs started feeding on human blood.

17. How can bed bug infestations be prevented?

  • Bed bugs are often carried into a home on clothing, luggage, and computers. You can reduce the bed bug infestations by avoiding putting jackets, computer bags, and luggage on public floors, and visually inspecting items that may have been exposed.

Bed bugs do not care whether you live in a studio apartment or a historic mansion – they only care about a warm, live host. If you see bed bugs in your Denver home or suspect their presence, don’t wait!

CALL Budget Pest Control today at 303-790-7378 or send us a message for a detailed bed bug inspection & treatment. Our technicians will inspect to find the source of the bed bug infestation and put together a plan to meet your needs and get you back to peaceful slumber.

CALL 303-790-7378 to schedule your bed bug extermination service TODAY!